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Water treatment chemicals
Time:2021-07-07 11:33:25
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Water stabilizer is the most widely used product in People's Daily living water, industrial water, pollution and water-saving reuse treatment engineering technology, including flocculant, scale inhibitor and buffer, biocide, cleaning agent and so on. Its

Water treatment chemical

Water stabilizer is the most widely used product in People's Daily living water, industrial water, pollution and water-saving reuse treatment engineering technology, including flocculant, scale inhibitor and buffer, biocide, cleaning agent and so on. Its main role is to remove the magazine in the water, suspended solids, fungi, algae and toxic substances, so that water quality to reach drinking standards or control the formation of scale and sludge, water contact materials for deodorization, sterilization, softening, decolorization, stable water quality and seawater desalination, etc..

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