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Phosphorus - free scale inhibitor will become the main force in
Time:2021-07-08 09:38:20
Article release:Admin
Original author:Unknown

Phosphorus - free scale inhibitor will become the main force in the future industrial water treatment field

Organic phosphonic acid and organic carboxylic acid copolymer scale inhibitors have occupied the absolute market in the industrial water treatment industry in the past decades. With the development of human awareness and research ability, the use of phosphorus free corrosion and scale inhibitors in the circulating water system has emerged.

As an environment-friendly scale inhibitor, it has obvious effect on scale and corrosion inhibition and bactericidal and algae killing agent. It is suitable for inhibiting the formation of calcium carbonate scale, calcium sulfate scale, barium sulfate scale and calcium phosphate scale in the treatment of cooling water, power plant and steel boiler water. Because it does not contain phosphorus itself, the content of phosphorus in sewage water is greatly reduced and the cost of sewage treatment is greatly reduced. At the same time, the reproduction of microorganisms in the circulating water system is reduced, and the dosage of bactericidal and algicide agent and sticky mud stripping agent is reduced.

Selecting appropriate scale inhibitor in the circulating water system can improve the efficiency of water treatment, make the industrial water treatment work more smoothly and effectively, and also ensure the conservation of water resources and environmental protection.

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