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We provide you with the most suitable, the most efficient reverse osmosis agent
Time:2021-07-08 10:00:43
Article release:Admin
Original author:Unknown

We provide you with the most suitable, the most efficient reverse osmosis agent

In the water treatment process, reverse osmosis agent is mainly used to remove inorganic ions, bacteria, viruses, organic matter and colids and other impurities in the water. It is an important agent in the reverse osmosis membrane system and has great significance in maintaining the normal operation of the reverse osmosis membrane system. Selecting appropriate reverse osmosis scale inhibitor can ensure the smooth operation of the reverse osmosis membrane system and ensure that the effluent water quality reaches the standard. Therefore, the selection of appropriate reverse osmosis scale inhibitor plays a decisive role in the normal operation of the reverse osmosis membrane system.

Our company provides different types of reverse osmosis agent, mainly include reverse osmosis scale inhibitor, bactericide, cleaner products, such as the security technology according to customer's actual situation, field investigation, sampling, seriously do comprehensive thorough experimental analysis, according to the needs of customers, carefully adjusting agent, in strict accordance with the relevant national standard production. The products are mainly used in the following aspects:

1, can be applied to all kinds of membrane tube material.

2, can be applied to a variety of different water quality, still has a high efficiency of scale inhibition ability, reduce the cleaning frequency of the membrane tube.

3, can replace the need to add acid, prevent acid caused by the possible corrosion problems.

4, the addition amount is very low, at the same time has a good threshold effect, can obtain economic benefits of scale inhibition control.

5. Reverse osmosis agent has a good chelating and stabilizing effect on iron, manganese and other metal ions, and prevents them from producing dirt on the membrane tube.

6, the product efficacy and stability of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor are better than sodium hexametaphosphate or pure polymer scale inhibitor.

7. Reverse osmosis membrane system is allowed to operate at a higher water yield.

The functional characteristics of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor are not invariable. With the progress of science and technology and the improvement of users' requirements, the company will invest a lot of money and manpower to research, develop, improve and perfect the performance of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor every year. It is believed that in the near future, the reverse osmosis reagent series products of Ande Technology can fully meet the needs of the market.

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