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Principle and characteristics of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor
Time:2021-07-08 09:58:51
Article release:Admin
Original author:Unknown

Principle and characteristics of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor

Reverse osmosis scale inhibitor is mainly used to remove inorganic ions, bacteria, viruses, organics, colids and other impurities in water. It is an important agent in reverse osmosis membrane system and has great significance in maintaining the normal operation of reverse osmosis membrane system.

The basic principle of reverse osmosis technology is the process of separating salt or insoluble substances from water by using selective semi-permeable membrane under certain pressure. As fresh water passes through the membrane, salts and other substances concentrate. As the concentration factor increases, some insoluble salts will scale. In order to prevent scale formation, reverse osmosis scale inhibitor is added to the water to inhibit scale formation. Reverse osmosis scale inhibitor is a highly effective scale inhibitor specially developed for reverse osmosis system. This scale inhibitor can prevent water insoluble substances or salts from scaling on the surface of reverse osmosis membrane, so as to ensure the system water production and water quality, and reduce the operation cost.

Reverse osmosis technology is a mature and advanced desalination technology in water treatment at present. In actual use, the reverse osmosis water treatment system with different process flow has been formed according to the different requirements of users. If the process design is not perfect, the operation is improper or the added agent is not compatible with the water source, the quantity and quality of the water produced by the reverse osmosis system will be reduced, and even the reverse osmosis membrane element will be scrapped in advance. Therefore, it is very important to protect the reverse osmosis membrane, which can be protected by adding reverse osmosis scale inhibitor.

Reverse osmosis scale inhibitor features:

1, will not produce insoluble substances with iron and aluminum oxides.

2. Inorganic scaling can be controlled to a large extent.

3. Effectively control silicon deposition and polymerization.

4, wide range of use, can be used in ultrafiltration membrane, nanofiltration membrane, etc.

Water with a pH in the range of 5-10 is very effective.

6, reverse osmosis scale inhibitor has excellent solubility and stability.

Therefore, the selection of appropriate reverse osmosis scale inhibitor can ensure the smooth operation of the reverse osmosis membrane system and ensure that the effluent water quality reaches the standard. Therefore, the selection of appropriate reverse osmosis scale inhibitor plays a decisive role in the normal operation of the reverse osmosis membrane system.

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