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General influent should choose reverse osmosis process or ion exchange process?
Time:2021-07-08 09:50:37
Article release:Admin
Original author:Unknown

General influent should choose reverse osmosis process or ion exchange process?

In many water inlet conditions, the use of ion exchange resin or reverse osmosis is technically feasible, the choice of process should be determined by the economic comparison, under normal circumstances, the higher the salt content, reverse osmosis is more economic, the lower the salt content, the more economic ion exchange. Due to the extensive popularity of reverse osmosis technology, the combination of reverse osmosis + ion exchange process or multi-stage reverse osmosis or reverse osmosis + other deep desalination technology has been recognized as a more reasonable technology and economic water treatment scheme, if you need to know more, please consult the representative of Ande Technology Water Treatment Engineering Company. How long does a reverse osmosis membrane element last? The service life of the membrane depends on the chemical stability of the membrane, the physical stability of the element, the cleanability, the water source, the pretreatment, the cleaning frequency, the operation and management level, etc. Usually more than 5 years according to economic analysis.

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